Molly Jacobson

Molly Jacobson
Molly Jacobson spent her childhood in the kitchen cooking for her family and baking all the birthday cakes, including her own. Her fascination with how food could bring people together started when she was a teenager helping her natural foods chef aunt cook for thirty at Thanksgiving. With houses full of outstanding cooks in both sides of her family, she drew inspiration from Maine to Louisiana. While other kids were eating marshmallow fluff and fruit rollups, she was working her way through tofu, homemade yogurt, and sprouts. Going to school in Boston and living in New York City broadened her horizons and blew her tastebuds with exotic cuisines. A three year layover in Montana on her way to Maui affirmed for her just how fantastic fresh, local produce, poultry, and beef could be when prepared simply and with great love. Maui, with its volcanoes, rich soil, clean waters, and cultural melting pot, is her version of paradise.